The 5th Annual Dust ’em Off Car Show is honored to have a NEW-Brought to you by Sponsor, Owosso Speedway, with Special Thanks to Wild Bills Craft Beverage Co. for helping to bring back this VERY POPULAR Spring Car Show!
Thanks to our Presenting Sponsor, General Motors, we have a new HOME for this event, the GM Heritage Center in Grand Blanc.
6200 Grand Pointe Dr. Grand Blanc Twp. MI 48439
Car participants will meet on Sunday, May 18th, 2025, with NEW Show Hours of 11 – 4 pm. Full details on entry and parking will be coming to those registered in time. But we are very excited about this location; we’ve been here before in 2023 when we celebrated the 70th Anniversary of the Corvette. We hosted over 1,000 classic cars and trucks and even held a concert. This new location will allow everyone to feel a part of the show, with Vendors and Food Trucks being centralized.
The very popular Back to the Bricks DJ, DJ Scott Kool, is at this event! Prizes, 50/50, and more will be on the schedule. Giveaway T-shirts will come to those pre-registered ONLY. So don’t miss the fun with Back to the Bricks on Sunday, May 18th, 2005.
Only those who pre-register before the event will be eligible to win prizes throughout the event. Although this will not be a judged event, we know the turnout will be amazing way to start the car show season.
Everyone who signs up will acknowledge and agree to be covered by insurance and follow all behavior rules to participate.